Categorie: Videoteca

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Miscappaladiretta 12/06/2014. Vertici banche sotto scacco. Come godo!

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at Parliamo con Alberto Airola del caso Maggioni (Bilderberg) e RAI

In seguito alle pressanti richieste di diversi cittadini, mi sono fatto loro portavoce chiedendo a Roberto Fico (Presidente della Commissione

Festella sabato mattina

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at with the Ustream Mobile

Festella sabato mattina 2

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella sabato macchina a idrogeno

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella sabato mattina 3

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured

Festella Sabato pomeriggio

Salvo5.0. Salvo Mandarà Reporter per caso - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella sabato pomeriggio 3

Salvo5.0. Salvo Mandarà Reporter per caso - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella sabato pomeriggio 2

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella domenica 1/3

Salvo5.0. Salvo Mandarà Reporter per caso - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella domenica 3/3

Salvo5.0. Salvo Mandarà Reporter per caso - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""

Festella Domenica 2/3

Recorded with my Android Mobile Phone. - Captured Live on Ustream at <a href=""